Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Home Again

Spent a very rainy weekend up at TINA, feeling intimidated by hip zine-sters and nearly freezing to death in the parking lot where the event was staged, which seemed to be less of a parking lot and more of a wind tunnel.
Jack Cowell pointed out that playing up on level five was kind of Beatles-on-the-roof-top-esque, which made it all a bit more fun. I made it through the set, distracted equally at times by 'interesting' feedback noise, beautiful little bare-foot children blowing bubbles and dancing (oblivious to the cold), power cuts and wandering dogs. Somewhere I think there are photos of all this, and if I ever manage to get my hands on them I shall share them with all of you.

Back in Sydney now, almost in one piece - Newcastle gave me a cold! Oh well. It's all experience, memories etc. And it was a lovely road trip, driving down the highways through all that rain and listening to Bob Dylan and the Velvet Underground and whatever other cds surfaced in the car.

Oxford Arts Factory again tomorrow night! I found this lovely little review thing about my last appearance there.I thought it was nice... and also funny that it goes on to review the minimilist punk bands that were playing next door that night - my whole life seems to be living in the shadow of minimilist punk bands! Anyway, maybe the kind words will convince a few more of you to come along. I'll be followed by I Dream in Transit, and the Model School.


  1. Oh, Jack Cowell is my dear friend! How I miss him. I wish I could have gone to the festival, one of my friends from Melbs, Hamish O'Neill (Isle Adore) was playing there too. I hope you had a good time!

  2. heh, i had no idea you were playing again. But it was a welcome sound when i strolled in to hear your voice again- the one song i caught was great :)

  3. Thank you! I will make sure I post upcoming news & dates when they come along, to try and keep everyone in the loop!
